

Worship is at the heart of Christ Church. Everything we do, from feeding the hungry to studying our faith, springs from our gathering together to give thanks and praise to God. If you have special needs, please let one of the clergy know how we can best include you in the worship life of our parish.

Sunday 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II (Rite I in Advent and Lent)

This service is quiet and contemplative.We meet in the side chapel year-round.

Sunday 9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II

From June-August join us for worship in our church garden. Atmosphere is relaxed with children on the grass and adults in folding chairs. Music is often led by keyboard and guitar. Ends with coffee hour in the garden. Nursery care is available for children birth-3.

*From September-May we worship inside with full choir. In the summer months we worship outside in our garden with  guitar, keyboard, or band accompaniment.

*An American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter joins us on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Contemplative Eucharist with Prayers for Healing (Chapel)

A short, quiet service using different forms of prayer and a period of collective silence to meditate on the gospel passage for the upcoming Sunday. Prayer and anointing for healing is administered to those who request them. Tea follows for those who would like to continue conversation.

Evening Prayer Wednesday and Thursday 5:30 p.m. (ZOOM - see Weekly parish email for more info)

Children in Worship

Children are absolutely welcome at all services. Nursery Care is available for children birth-3, at our 9:30 AM service throughout the year. 

Come As You Are

You are welcome as you are, and as you feel most comfortable. You will see a range of attire, from kids dressed in soccer gear  to adults wearing sport coats and ties.

Special services as announced

We will sometimes have special services such as Choral Evensong or Advent Lessons and Carols. See the newsletter or contact the church office for more details.



Chancel Choir: 

Choir membership is an enjoyable and rewarding way to become more involved in worship, and to offer your talents to our congregation and God. The multi-generational choir includes Adult and Upper School Age singers.  The Choir sings almost every Sunday at the 9:30 AM service during our church’s program year (September - May). Each week the choir sings an Offertory Anthem, leads a sung Psalm, and participates in other Liturgical music.

The choir rehearses every Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 8:30 PM, during the program year. 

Extra Musical Offerings: 

There are also solo opportunities. And, members and friends of Christ Church who are gifted with vocal or instrumental musical talents are invited to share their musical offerings during the liturgy and communion time. For more information contact Michael Batcho


Bell Choir Bells Make A Joyful Noise To The Lord

Our Bell Choir consists of 12 bell ringers that play for all special seasons of the church year. There are times when we play with the vocal choir as well. Ringers should be able to read music and count. However, each ringer is only responsible for two bells plus their sharps and/or flats. The Bell Choir rehearse almost every Wednesday (in our new rehearsal space on the second floor). 

We are always looking to add more ringers (an octave and a half are currently available).
For more information contact the Bell Choir Director, Karol Rehm at 262-241-4851 or by email.