Christ Church Episcopal


Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here! The Episcopal Church combines the beauty and traditions of an ancient faith with an embracing affirmation of all people. We are a motley bunch of seekers: a third of us grew up in this tradition, a third in the Roman Catholic Church, and a third in various Protestant denominations.

We believe God loves everyone, no exceptions. We believe God calls us to serve the poor and vulnerable. We like to wrestle with spiritual and ethical questions, knowing so many issues are hard and complex. We hope that in all that we do, we are being transformed more and more into the likeness of Jesus Christ; people of hope and joy and peace; people who make a difference in the world.


Regular Sunday Services

Sundays at 8 a.m. Quiet service in the chapel

Sundays at 9:30 a.m. (Live-streamed). Garden service in the summer. September 8, 2024, back to a choral service in the church.

Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. Contemplative Service
Wednesday and Thursday: 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer through zoom


Recent Sermons

Below are sermon manuscripts. To listen to an actual sermon go to “Online Church” and then "Sunday Service Livestream" or "Archived Sunday Services."


Children & Family


