Local Outreach


When we serve the poor and the vulnerable we are serving Jesus. Christ Church gives away over $50,000 every year for ministries with the vulnerable in the city and abroad. We try to offer opportunities for all ages to get involved in this work. Christ Church will focus its energy and resources on the following local outreach efforts in 2022:


Gifts of Hope

Each year, The Gifts of Hope organizers provide the community with an opportunity to GIVE the Gift that gives TWICE! Honor those on your Holiday gift list with a charitable contribution! to over 20 Local and International Non profits organization.


The Beloved Community Team & Outreach Committee

has put together a list of “matches” of talents and interests with specific charitable organizations. To learn more about how you can serve one of these great organizations download this list


Saint Vincent De Paul

Christ Church serves the Saint Vincent De Paul meal program by donating, cooking and serving a meal to around 150 guests on the second Friday of each month at the north location, 2600 N. 2nd Street in the basement of All Peoples Church.  Sign up to help by clicking on the link that comes out in our weekly broadcast.  You may participate by donating food, cooking food, serving the meal, or all of the above.  We would love to have you join us!  People of any age are welcome.


All Peoples Church

Christ Church has a strong and thriving partnership with All Peoples Church in the Harambee neighborhood near Center and 2nd street.  We support their food pantry through monthly giving, participate in their special events like Partner Prayer breakfast, and Praise dinner, and help support their Kids Working to Succeed Program (KWTS) by periodically providing bag lunches. In addition, our youth group at Christ Church collaborates with the youth group at All Peoples in monthly events and a yearly winter retreat.  We greatly enjoy the relationship and events throughout the year.

New this Year during Lent: We are supporting the KWTS program with extra financial support by raising funds through a special donation where you can give more kids a chance to work in this awesome program that teaches responsibility and eradicates the food desert by planting, harvesting and donating food crops to the community. (see Video to hear more). Donate by check (memo: KWTS) or cash on Sundays at Christ Church during Lent or all week online. Just designate your gift with “KWTS- All Peoples Church”

The Gathering

The Gathering is a community based ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee. The Gathering’s mission is to provide meals and other services for people who would otherwise go hungry. Christ Church supports The Gathering through financial gifts and volunteer service serving lunch on 6 Saturdays throughout the year and providing brown bag dinners on 6 additional Saturdays.


Sojourner Family Peace Center

Sojourner Family Peace Center provides comprehensive services that help to create peaceful communities in which domestic respect and a life free from violence is the right of every woman, man and child. Christ Church Rector, Fr. Seth Dietrich, serves on this Board of Directors. Christ Church provides financial support as well as occasional festive meals for the shelter residents. For many years, Christ Church has celebrated St. Nicholas Day by collecting gifts for Sojourner’s women and children.


Our Next Generation

Our Next Generation is a community based organization which mentors and supports families in the neighborhood of 34th street and Lisbon Avenue. Primary programs include The Homework Club and the High School Connection, for after school tutoring and mentoring of students in grades kindergarten through twelfth grade. Volunteer opportunities include after school (5 p.m. to 6 p.m.) tutoring, meal preparation and the Christmas Giving Tree.


Mesothelioma Hope

A mental health support organization for terminally ill cancer patients and their loved ones. I found Christ Church Episcopal while searching for groups that share our desire to provide hope to the hopeless and support grief-stricken families.  Call for help: (855) 935-1415