Middle School Youth
For the 2024-2025 year Middle School Youth at Christ Church will be exploring ways to move closer to God - through nature, art, journaling, singing, reading, silence, service, and friendship.
There are many different ways and times to be a part of the Middle School youth group. On Sunday mornings youth can volunteer during the liturgy and spend time with friends and leaders afterword during coffee hour. Throughout the year we’ll join with our church family over hamburgers and pancakes, Ash Wednesday soup and Maundy Thursday bitter herbs. On select days throughout the year we’ll serve our community making sandwiches, serving meals, and picking up trash. And on Sunday evening twice a month from 5-7pm we’ll gather at the church for dinner, games, projects and conversation.
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8
Enroll today!
Save the Date
MKE Stations of the Cross
March 30 at 1PM | MKE Federal Courthouse
Youth and families are invited to a uniquely Milwaukee-based Stations of the Cross. The route is 4 miles long and will take about 2 hours. We will end at Cathedral Square. RSVP to Julie if you plan to attend.
Worship and Greenhouse Cleaning
Sun April 27 | All People’s Gathering Church
Join for Sunday morning liturgy at 10am and stay to help clean up APC’s gardens and greenhouses. Bring your family! RSVP to Julie if you plan to attend
Summer Youth Mission Trip
July 20-25 | Group Missions in Kenosha
The summer mission trip is back! Head over to the trip page for all the details.
Come join us!
Questions? Email Julie Davis, our Middle School Youth Leader.