March 9, 2025 at 10:45am live-streamed from the Great Hall
Click: Our FORUM speaker, Dr. David Petering
Climate Change and What We Must Do About It
Sunday, March 9, 2025: Dr. David Petering: Creation in Peril: Climate Change and What We Must Do About It - Part I
Abstract: The Earth is suffering an unprecedented climate disaster that threatens the future of the entire planet. This presentation and discussion will recall some of the features that make Earth a "rare if not unique" planet and then focus on how single-minded economic domination of our planet has upended our long-term climate stability through the production of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. The dire impacts of climate change will of illustrated by what is happening in the Arctic and beyond. Therefore, we must quickly reduce carbon emissions to zero to avoid planetary catastrophe. We know how to do it. Whether we can do it will considered with reference to the Milwaukee City-County Climate and Equity Plan.
Sunday, March 16, 2025: Dr. David Petering: Creation in Peril: Climate Change and What We Must Do About It - Part II
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