Pastoral Care


What is Pastoral Care?


The Episcopal Church recognizes pastoral care as the ministry of caring that is at the heart of our church’s life. It may include hospital visitation, bringing communion to the homebound, counseling, or other ministries of shared presence, listening, and support whenever someone finds themselves in need. 

Who Does Pastoral Care? 


The clergy of Christ Church and a team of dedicated and compassionate lay people work to meet the pastoral care needs of our congregation. If you ever find yourself, a family member, or a loved one in need of pastoral care please contact either The Rev. Seth Dietrich ( or The Rev. Nancy Hills ( for more information or to set up a visit. 

The Pastoral Care Team: 


The Pastoral Care Team is a group of individuals who, both corporately and individually, pray for parishioners on our prayer list. They also visit, call, and send notes to parishioners who may be cut off from the regular life of the parish due to illness or other life changes. The Pastoral Care Team also takes Communion to those who are not able to come to church. For more information on the Pastoral Care Team please contact The Rev. Nancy Hills (

Pastoral Care through Meals: “FOOD for the SOUL”


We also have a team of lay people who provide a meal ministry to individuals and families when they are in need of a little extra care in the form of prepared meals. For more information please contact Anne Davis ( 

Our Prayer List:


If you would like us to keep you in our prayers please contact the Parish Administrator Lori Sinclair ( to be put on our prayer list. This list is published in our weekly bulletin, read during the Prayers of the People on Sunday’s and on Wednesdays during our Healing Eucharist. 
