Events for Children, Youth, and Families

Here at Christ Church all ages are involved in the life of the church. We also have programs for children, youth, and families specifically. Explore our upcoming events below or download an annual program calendar.

Upcoming Events

Casting has closed for the 2024 pageant. Rehearsal dates are December 8, 15, 22, and 24.

Mission Trip Q&A

Jan 12 5-5:30pm | Great Hall

Parents and youth, come for dinner and a Q&A session covering all your mission trip questions! Head over to the trip page to learn more.

High School Youth Group and Confirmation

Jan 12 5-7 PM |JT Room and Great Hall

The joint high school youth group & confirmation class meets every other Sunday evening from 5-7 PM.

Printable Program Calendars

Children’s Formation

Middle School Youth

High School Youth


Middle School Youth Group

Jan 12 5-7 PM | Good Shepherd Room Great Hall

Middle school youth group meets every other Sunday evening from 5-7 PM for dinner, conversation, and formation.

Children’s Formation Bake Sale

Jan 26 coffee hour | Great Hall

We need you! The children of Christ Church will be hosting a bake sale to benefit Sojourner Family Peace Center. Sign-up to bring in baked-goods. We also need parent-child teams to help out day-of.

February Family Choir

Our choir director, Michael, has another opportunity for kids, youth, and their grown-ups to sing together!

Save these dates to sing together as a family:

February 2 (Rehearsal on January 29)

March 2 (Rehearsal on February 26)

April 6 (Rehearsal on April 2)

Diocesan Mini Missions Trip

March 7-8 | City on a Hill

The middle school youth group will be joining with Episcopal youth from across the city for an overnight mission experience at City on a Hill MKE. Details to come!

Summer Youth Mission Trip

July 20-25 | Group Missions in Kenosha

The summer mission trip is back! Head over to the trip page for all the details.


Let’s keep in touch.

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