Plan Your Visit
We know it can take a lot of courage to check out a new church, and we want to make your visit as stress-free as possible.
Do I have to check in with someone before I attend?
Absolutely not - just come! If you would like someone to meet you at the door to show you around, this can easily be arranged. Or attend a service 9:30 online service here or check our YouTube channel for past livestreamed services here.
Where do I park?
You may park on any of the surrounding residential streets. The church also has a long-standing relationship with Sendik’s and you may also use their parking lot.
What should I wear?
People come in everything from jeans to khakis to sport coats. Most of the time kids make it out of their pajamas. We are so glad you are here, and we’ll take you just as you show up.
Is there nursery care at Christ Church?
Yes! Learn more here.
What do you have for children during the service?
We do have quiet activities and other children’s options outside of the service. Learn more here.
What should I expect during a service at Christ Church?
Both services are centered in the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Mass, Holy Communion, and the Lord’s Supper.
Sunday 8:00 a.m. This service is smaller and quiet (no music). We meet in the side chapel year-round, and it lasts around 45 minutes.
Sunday 9:30 a.m. From June-August join us for worship in our church garden where the music is often led by keyboard and guitar. September - May we have a traditional choral service, led by the organ and other instruments.
Who may receive Holy Communion at Christ Church?
Holy Communion may be received by anyone who was baptized in any Christian tradition. Children are allowed to receive communion at any age because we want everyone to have a seat at the table, and because we believe that no one truly understands the meaning of the holy sacrament (not even us adults!). Clergy often work with families to give them more information about children receiving, and we have short classes for children to learn the deeper meaning of the sacrament.
What happens after?
We often joke that coffee is like another sacrament of the church. As weather permits, coffee hour is in the garden. We often also have adult education with the FORUM programs, from Marquette theology professors to local columnists like Philip Chard.
Sunday School & CHristian Formation
Christian formation begins in worship, where people of all ages and abilities offer gifts of reading, prayer, acolyting, singing, and more!
Before the 9:30am service, children ages 3 through 5th grade start Sunday School in their classrooms at 9:15am. Children rejoin the service during Announcements. More info here.
After the 9:30 service, Christian Formation continues. After our 15 Minute Feast Coffee hour, we offer several formation opportunities that vary throughout the month and year. We offer Forums, led by parishioners or outside speakers. We also have community formation for all ages, when all members of the parish explore a topic of faith or service together. Middle School and High School youth meet twice a month on Sunday evenings.
No payment is required for Sunday School, but registration is encouraged.
15 minute feasts
The feast that begins with the Eucharist spills out into the Great Hall after the 9:30 service – where donuts, coffee, juices, and other treats await! The atmosphere often includes young children running around, music playing over the sound system, and jovial conversation.